Master Hanz Cua: A Modern Feng Shui Master

For someone who isn’t too familiar with the ancient Chinese system of geomancy known as Feng Shui, Hanz Cua might not seem like your stereotypical Feng Shui Master. Friendly and gregarious, Master Hanz thoroughly enjoys talking and teaching Feng Shui. He acknowledges that he could have made more money with another, but to him, Feng Shui is not just a job or a business – it’s a calling.


Feng Shui runs deep in Master Hanz’s veins. His father, Oa Man Ming, is also a famous Feng Shui master in Asia. Master Hanz’s education has taken him to places such as mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore; studying under different Grandmasters. He is also a graduate of the Lilian Too Consultant Institute, where he took up his Master Practitioner Course, as well as a computer science graduate and professional nurse.

A firm believer in the power of the mind, Master Hanz has been able to perform impressive feats such as bending a spoon with the thought alone. Much of this ESP and intuitive power has been the result of training with famed supernatural expert Jimmy Licauco at his Inner Mind Development Institute.

Technology also plays a significant part in Master Hanz Cua’s practice. He carries his tablet everywhere he goes, along with it the different apps that help him out with his work. A quick glance at the tablet reveals apps for face reading. Feng Shui references and the ever-important compass known as the LuoPan – now in app form as the iLuoPan. Call it the mix of the ancient and the modern – probably an apt description of Master Hanz.


As a practitioner of Feng Shui, Master Hanz offers three main services: Feng Shui itself, Bazi and Tarot Card Reading.

Feng Shui, which combines the words wind and water, takes inspiration from multiple sources, combining elements of astronomy, astrology, geology, physics, mathematics, psychology and intuition into a system that revolves around the proper placement of objects in order to maximize the positive side of the life energy known as “qi”. A large part of Feng Shui revolves around the direction of wealth. Master Hanz explains that every individual is guided by a trinity of luck. There is Heaven Luck, which involves the outside factors governing life; Man Luck, which includes perseverance and drive to succeed; and Earth Luck – or Feng Shui. Knowing how to accentuate this Earth Luck through Feng Shui can play a large part in the success of a person’s life.

Bazi, or Chinese Astrology, is used to determine a person’s destiny in life. It is a highly personalized system that is tailored to each individual’s year, month day and hour of birth. The knowledge of Bazi can be beneficial, as it can provide the proper guidance for many aspects of a person’s life, including love, relationships and business, as well as maximizing talents and minimizing weaknesses.

Want to learn more?

As Feng Shui practice has become more widespread locally, so has Master Hanz’s name. He has appeared in different television shows, including Rated K, Kabuhayang Swak na Swak, Umagang Kay Ganda and the Good Morning Club. He has also appeared in radio shows such as Boys Night Out and DZMM’s Pintig Balita.
